Noeleen Frain

Noeleen Frain is an artist and tutor of Calligraphy and Art History, based in Dublin. For more information and to get in touch please visit

Note on Calligraphy Library

Calligraphy Library:

A note form  Angela Ganter, who has taken over the Library duties for the present:

I would be grateful if members would check their own book collection at home to see if there are some books belonging to the Library.  I think there are some, in fact, missing, one in particular being that by Sheila  Waters.  I would appreciate if those who have forgotten to return the borrowed books, they would do so as soon as possible, so that we may keep our records up to date.  This will also help other members to borrow books on a regular basis.  They can be brought to the next Peannairi Meeting or sent to me at 140 Braemor Road, Churchtown, D 14.  My email is